Finding Firmer Ground—and Family: Bella’s Story

For Bella, a Ukrainian refugee who’s spent the last 20 years in West Virginia, the current crisis is heartbreaking, but hardly new.

Forced to flee her home after violence erupted in response to Ukraine’s declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in the early 90s, Bella has attempted to rebuild her life more times, and in more places, than she can count.

New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, and San Diego are just a few of the locations she passed through before landing in Charleston.

When she first arrived, she had no family or friends nearby, and no source of income. An early acquaintance introduced her to Manna Meal, and she’s been a regular ever since.

“Manna Meal is truly my savior,” said Bella. “It’s the only way I’ve been able to make ends meet.”

Bella often completes the ninety-minute round-trip walk to Manna Meal twice a day.

“The staff are so friendly, and the food is always fresh and healthy,” she said. “I’m comfortable here.”

Much of Bella’s comfort at Manna Meal comes from the organization’s “no questions asked” policy.

Unlike service providers she’s encountered in larger U.S. cities—where slogging through long lines, masses of people, stacks of documents, and repetitive questioning are common prerequisites for receiving a meal—the experience at Manna Meal is simple and hassle-free.

“Everyone at Manna is extremely professional,” clarified Bella. “But they also make you feel at home.”

Bella knows most of the other guests and staff by name now, and their stories, too. Although none have been driven out of their country like Bella, many have lost their homes or been separated from friends and family. All are familiar with need and hardship, and all are trying to find their way back to firmer ground.

Whenever Bella is out and about in Charleston and sees someone who might be struggling, she asks them if they’re hungry, and if they’ve heard of Manna Meal. She gives them the address, along with detailed directions on how to get there.

“A lot of those individuals show up. When that happens I feel good—like I’ve done something good for somebody,” she said. “Everyone who visits Manna Meal, they’re my family.”

Manna Meal offers Bella, and many others, a sense of family.

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When Life Takes a Turn: George’s Story


A Place That Lifts You Up: Richard’s Story