A Place That Lifts You Up: Richard’s Story

“Manna Meal gave me a reason. Before I started coming here, I didn’t care about anything.”

When Richard closes his eyes, he can see the other path clearly—what might have been if, twenty years ago, he hadn’t found Manna Meal.

Use of prescribed painkillers had spiraled into addiction, nights spent sleeping in dumpsters, and the sharp, constant pang of hunger. His future, which felt bleak at best, was close to not existing at all.

But then, right when he most needed it, word reached him of a place that promised both hope and help.

He began visiting Manna Meal, and, soon, things were looking up. Not only did the staff ensure that he was able to face the day with a full stomach, but they also assisted in getting him treatment, securing an apartment, and restoring his self respect.

Today, Richard is eight years sober.

“They helped me a great deal,” he said. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without them.”

The moment Richard first walked through Manna Meal’s doors, he was overcome by a powerful sense of relief, as well as a desire to give back.

He started cleaning tables, tidying the restroom, greeting his fellow guests.

Eventually he was offered a job in the kitchen, where he stayed and served as a cook for 15 years.

Richard is now retired, but he still stops by nearly every day. Recognizing that many of Manna Meal’s guests are worse off, he’s careful to take only what he needs.

“These days I come mostly just to share things,” explained Richard. “I feel good about myself when I’m here, and I try to give that encouragement to other people.”

As he sits down at the table, a plate of fresh food in front of him and friends on either side, Richard feels like he’s really “somebody.”

At the end of the meal, his spirits are raised, and he’s ready—and excited—to rejoin the world.

To keep moving forward.

“Manna Meal gives you pride,” he says. “It lifts you up.”

Support Manna Meal’s efforts to ensure no one in our community goes hungry, and everyone has the chance to move forward.

Donate: https://www.mannameal.org/donate


Finding Firmer Ground—and Family: Bella’s Story


Nutrition for the Spirit: Earl’s Story